Global Climate Reparations

Taproot Earth is rooted in Black Liberation and re-indigenization to rebuild our world through collective governance and the redistribution of power and resources. Our global climate reparations work is a pinnacle initiative in which both our domestic and international work will ultimately move and advance. The climate crisis knows no borders, yet the dominant political, financial, economic, and governance systems operate through a colonial and extractive process rooted in false borders, anti-Blackness, and domination.
After years of bringing frontline leaders from the Gulf South to international climate talks, we have developed an approach that recognizes and seeks to repair the historic and modern harms of racialized capitalism. Taproot Earth’s Global Climate Reparations Initiative:
Facilitates movement governance processes to solidify an accountable and grounded frontline definition of global climate reparations;
Builds alignment among multi-racial and multi-geographic frontline communities to advance global climate reparations with a specific focus on the Black Diaspora from the Gulf South to Appalachia in the United States and across the Global South.
Challenges unjust borders and financial schemes by advancing the human right to remain or move and elevate models of collective governance of finances.
Advances strategic interventions through our campaigns on the Church, Crown, and Corporation.

Taproot noire

à la cop27

This Formation of leaders from across the Global Black  diaspora convenes several times a year to re-envision a sustainable future rooted in Black liberation. Join us.