#We Choose Now

For too long, Black and Indigenous people across our region have borne the brunt of the climate crisis. Yet, our voices are often excluded from upstream policy decisions. After the destruction of Hurricane Ida in 2021, we convened over 150 frontline leaders to form a new vision: #WeChooseNow.
Too often, racialized capitalism and colonialism pits frontline communities against each other. Black and Indigenous people, in particular, are most impacted by the downstream effects of the climate crisis. Yet our voices are routinely excluded from upstream policy decisions.

Taproot Earth provides the space and resources for frontline groups to come together, discuss what’s happening in their communities, develop a shared analysis of the problem, and engage in consensus decision-making.
We acknowledge that for us to win on climate, everyone needs to be moving in the same direction, where no community is compromised.

This alignment work takes the form of people’s movement assemblies. We see our role as leveraging resources and relationships so that impacted groups are positioned to take on local fights and move from fighting fossil fuels to reimagining and advancing the solutions that enable all of us to thrive.
Core elements and geographies of this work include: