Guidé par Black Liberation vers un nouvel horizon
Nous pratiquons une justice climatique transformatrice ancrée dans la réparation de la relation entre la Terre et son peuple.
Horizon de libération
Taproot lance des campagnes mondiales et des formations autonomes qui s’attaquent à la cause profonde de la crise climatique, réinventent les solutions durables et modifient les structures nécessaires pour créer un monde plus durable.

Nous considérons 2030 comme un tournant climatique crucial pour choisir l’abondance plutôt que la rareté, la gouvernance collective plutôt que l’autoritarisme et la gestion plutôt que l’extraction prédatrice. Nous nous dirigeons vers un horizon rempli de personnes libres vivant, se reposant et prospérant dans les endroits que nous appelons chez nous.

Movement Infrastructure

Our goal is to build power for movements, not institutions. We provide a transparent, accountable, and participatory process to help leaders and Formations gather, share stories and analysis, and assert solutions informed by frontline communities’ lived experience.
Leadership Development
Whether regional or global, our frontline Formations are self-governed by leaders from the climate frontlines. These Formations build on the historic struggles and stewardship of Black and Indigenous communities.
Just Transition Lawyering Network (JTLN) is a national allied Formation of practicing attorneys and legal workers committed to supporting the work and struggles of the US climate frontlines.

Initiatives & Campaigns

Leadership Development
Whether regional or global, our frontline Formations are self-governed by leaders from the climate frontlines. These Formations build on the historic struggles and stewardship of Black and Indigenous communities.
Just Transition Lawyering Network (JTLN) is a national allied Formation of practicing attorneys and legal workers committed to supporting the work and struggles of the US climate frontlines.

Movement Infrastructure

Leadership Development
Whether regional or global, our frontline Formations are self-governed by leaders from the climate frontlines. These Formations build on the historic struggles and stewardship of Black and Indigenous communities.
Just Transition Lawyering Network (JTLN) is a national allied Formation of practicing attorneys and legal workers committed to supporting the work and struggles of the US climate frontlines.

Narratives & Culture Change

Leadership Development
Whether regional or global, our frontline Formations are self-governed by leaders from the climate frontlines. These Formations build on the historic struggles and stewardship of Black and Indigenous communities.
Just Transition Lawyering Network (JTLN) is a national allied Formation of practicing attorneys and legal workers committed to supporting the work and struggles of the US climate frontlines.

Who we
roll with

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Allied Formations


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Venenatis in a lorem sed eget enim dictum quis nec. Varius et lobortis enim felis pretium. Sit dolor tellus elementum nisi faucibus nunc. Pulvinar sit rutrum.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Venenatis in a lorem sed eget enim dictum quis nec. Varius et lobortis enim felis pretium. Sit dolor tellus elementum nisi faucibus nunc. Pulvinar sit rutrum.